Vinnie Dombroski

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The 2013 Royal Oak Arts,Beats and Eats featured two of the many faces of Vinnie Dombroski.  Vinnie is the front man for the bands Sponge, Crud and the Orbitsuns.  Sponge took the Michigan Lotto main stage Monday night before MC Hammer.  Sponge is a rock band from the Detroit area that was formed in 1991 and has had much success including their first two albums.  Their debut Rotting Piñata,  was released in 1994, and featured  “Plowed” and “Molly“.  Their follow-up album was called Wax Ecstatic; the track “Have You Seen Mary” was included in the film Chasing Amy.  After completing the set with sponge, before thousands of fans, Vinnie donned a cowboy shirt and hat and  joined the Orbitsuns on the county stage.  The Orbitsuns have been a staple on the last day of the Royal Oak Arts, Beats and Eats festival.  The Orbitsuns preform their own brand of “rockabilly” or as their web site describes “low down and dirty outlaw country”.  They are guaranteed to get you up and dancing, and many people end up dancing on stage with the band.  You can check out Sponge at and the Orbitsuns at orbit  Make sure to check out the video of “Long Line of Sinners”  the filming featured the burning of a car and failing to obtain permits resulted in the Detroit Fire department showing up.  You have to like the  “Haul Ass” sticker being placed on the fire truck before it leaves.  “Haul Ass”  is always one of the crowd favorites at an Orbitsun performance.

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